Friday, August 24, 2007

Agricultural Fair Update": First Prize?

Back in July we reported on the North Stonington Agricultural Fair ( and posted a photo of our blue ribbons. This probably didn't come out in the blog (as intended), but we weren't really sure what the ribbons meant. We had blue ribbons, others had red, but no mention of "first place" or "honorable mention". This week a mysterious envelope arrived from the fair committee that contained a check for $4.75 and an "invoice" that is equally as ambiguous as the ribbons left by our produce. We aren't entirely sure, but we are taking the numeral "1" to mean we won first prize for our potatoes and black currants. Wooo hooo. Clearly we are Agricultural Fair novices! Maybe next year we will figure out the system. Just think of the seeds we can buy with $4.75....

1 comment:

Andrew said...

You're probably enjoying the $4.75 mystery cheque far more than you would have enjoyed a clear-cut 1st prize win on the day of the fair!