Our trip to Vermont gave us the opportunity to spend time with the Thames Ski Club (SKI) cleaning the lodge and see more fall colors with peak foliage in southern Vermont and Massachusetts. We also enjoyed temperatures in the 70's, meeting some fellow outdoor enthusiasts and ski house handy people (aka home renovators). A highlight was breakfast at the Farmer's Diner in Quiche, VT on the way home. We have both read about the Farmer's Diner in Barbara Kingsolver's book "Animal, Vegetable Miracle: Our year of seasonal eating" (http://www.animalvegetablemiracle.com/). The diner was also featured in the Autumn edition of Yankee Magazine. After reading about Tom Murphy and his commitment to supply his diner with foods grown by local farmers, we couldn't resist. If you are anywhere near central Vermont, you must stop by http://www.farmersdiner.com/
With regards to the book by Kingsolver, we can't say enough about this book and highly recommend it! Kingsolver has helped us be thoughtful about our food, where it comes from and how much oil it takes to get us a banana from South America or even lettuce leaves from California. This book is beautifully written, humorous, has great recipes (we have tried several) and provides guiding principles about growing, harvesting and eating food that are balanced, locally grown and in season, and promotes community. A must read, but you have to buy your own, we refer to ours on a regular basis.